We would like to welcome you to Greenmount Primary School and introduce you to the Greenmount Primary School Parents & Citizens Association.
Who are the P&C and what do we do?
Members of the P&C are parents, carers and family members from the school community who come together to share ideas and views on a range of topics affecting our children and their schooling journey, and to raise funds to purchase additional resources for our children, improve the school amenity, and contribute towards the cost of school activities. The P&C works alongside the school on a range of matters. Volunteers run the Uniform Shop, Scholastic Book Club, Safety House Program and Guardians of Greenmount (Fathering Project), and plan and run a variety of fundraising events throughout the year.
How do you find out what’s on?
The P&C has a noticeboard under the verandah, just outside the office. Look out for notices on the boards outside each classroom, and in the fortnightly school newsletter.
We have a Facebook page to pass along information and reminders regarding events and happenings within the school. Please search for “Greenmount Primary School P&C WA”.
How do you join in?
Meetings are held twice a term, in the 4th and 8th week. They are usually held on Tuesday evenings, at 6.30pm in the Staff Room, and occasionally on a Friday morning at 9.30am after a school Assembly. The first meeting of the year is the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be on Tuesday 22nd February at 6.30pm. At the AGM nominations are collected, and elections held, for office bearers, committee coordinators and committee members. You can choose to have a go at one of these (you need to join as a member to be eligible or vote) or just come along for information and to see what the P&C is all about. You are welcome to attend meetings even if you are not a member.
We welcome anyone to become a member of the P&C; membership is open to the wider school community,so grandparents or other family & community members can join. Members contribute by coming along to meetings to discuss and vote, deciding what events and activities werun, and how we’re going to use the money we’ve raised.
You do not have to attend every meeting, stand for a position or join a committee when you become a member; come to meetings when you can - we would love to hear your ideas. Membership forms are available on the school website (below) and from the school office; please fill one out and bring it to a meeting along with the $0.20 fee, if you wish to join.
Please volunteer a little of your time to help the P&C run our successful events and activities. Volunteering could include helping out at the cake stall at sports day, cooking sausages at a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle, a shift in the uniform shop, helping out with book club or wrapping prize hampers for our Christmas Raffle. Each little bit of time volunteered is hugely appreciated - and its an excellent way to get to know other members of the school community!
We would like to wish you and your family a great experience with Greenmount Primary School and look forward to seeing you at a meeting or an event, and around the school.
Best wishes,
Sally Winter
P&C President 2021
P&C activities & achievements 2023
Come and join us in 2024
If you have any other queries please use the email addresses below to contact the relevant member of the P&C:President: president@gpspnc.org.au
Vice-President: vice-president@gpspnc.org.au
Treasurer: treasurer@gpspnc.org.au
Safety House: safety-house@gpspnc.org.au
Uniform Shop: uniform-shop@gpspnc.org.au
Scholastic Book Club: bookclub@gpspnc.org.au
Fundraising: fundraising@gpspnc.org.au
Guardians of Greenmount (Fathering Project): fpsg@gpspnc.org.au
P&C Office Bearer and Role DescriptionsParent and Community WebsiteCommunity Engagement Committee Terms of Reference 2019Facebook and Communications Committee Terms of Reference 2019Fundraising Committee Terms of Reference 2019Guardians of Greenmount Committee Terms of Reference 2019Safety House Committee Terms of Reference 2019Uniform Shop Committee Terms of Reference 2019Scholastic Book Club Committee Terms of Reference 2019
Minutes 2024